Folder Sync
Folder Sync
An important capability called ForderSync has been added to our document management software. With this feature, Daphne can synchronize between the operating system folders and the document database.
ForderSync is only available if the software is installed and running on a server computer in your company's own IT environment. Let's see how the system works.
On the right side, you see an operating system folder to which the server has access. On the left side, you see an empty Daphne DMS folder.
To synchronize these two file storages, we need to enter UNC naming standard folder path in Daphne's folder definition screen.
Since each document has a responsible person in the DMS system, we need to define the file owner.
On the server side, there is a service that synchronizes files. This service is set up to run automatically in certain periods. In this training video, we will do it manually to show how the system works.
Let's run the web service through an application page. That's all there is to it.
When we refresh the Daphne folder, we see that the documents have been uploaded to the system.
Now, let's modify a file in the Operating system folder and save it. We need to run the synchronization service again.
The modified version of the sample file has been uploaded to the system as a revision. Let's make a second change. Save the file and run the synchronization service. The new revision is also saved in the system.
Similarly, all revisions of files in operating system folders can be stored in Daphne's document manager.